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Neale Donald Walsch (Author) See More (4)
Laurie Lankins Farley (Author) See More
Emily A. Filmore (Author) See More

$18.95 USD
Rainbow Ridge
6 X 9 in
384 pg

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Soon after the first Conversations with God book was published in May 1995, demand began for tools that would assist parents in teaching the marvelous concepts of this extraordinary dialogue to children. Readers wanted to share with their offspring what CwG had shared with them.

"If only I have been introduced to these ways of seeing God and myself when I was 8 or 9, my whole life would have been different" were the words Neale Donald Walsch heard in letter after letter and conversation after conversation.

This book is an outgrowth of the School of New Spirituality program. In it, Walsch has joined with Laurie Lankins Farley and Emily A. FIlmore, the directors of the school, to put into one place all the spiritual concepts of a home schooling curriculum. This book makes available for parents not only the tools for teaching CwG'sconcepts, but a narrative summary of the concepts themselves, to help aid in their home schooling efforts, and help them to use the other tools created by the school with maximum effectiveness.

Each chapter is presented in two parts: (1) A narrataive for parents that includes background information and interpretative commentary on the spiritual concepts being explored; and (2)Tools with which parents may effectively share these concepts with their children. Together they form a powerful guide for the spiritual teachers of the 21st century,

Neale Donald Walsch Laurie Lankins Farley Emily A. Filmore
Author Bio

NEALE DONALD WALSCH is the author of nine books in the Conversations with God series, which have sold over ten million copies in 37 languages. He is one of the major authors in the new spirituality movement, having written 28 other books, with eight books on the New York Times bestseller's list. His life and work have helped to create and sustain a worldwide spiritual renaissance, and he travels globally to bring the uplifting message of the CwG books to people everywhere. He lives in Oregon with his wife, the American poet, em claire.

Table of contents


Redefining Human

What This Manual Is



1. Intellect--Conscious Aspect

Discovering the major way you take in data

Engaging the Hemispheres of Your Brain

Intelligence Equals Expanded Consciousness Awareness

2. Intuition--Subconscious Mind

Let's Explore Our Memory

Observation/Memory Experiments



Mind Manipulation


Dream Journaling


Projecting Questions

The Art of Dowsing

3. Knowing--Superconscious Aspect

Sessions with a Paper Bag

Our Perceptual Tool Kit

The Dot Test



The Manufacturing Plant and the Shipping Clerk



A New Way to Look at Old Stuff

Body Talk

4. Physical Body--Visible/Overt

Movement is Life

Psychic/Intuitive Dancing

Exercise Your Face

Facelifts Without Surgery

Food and Eating


Changing Weight

Challenges and Changes That Occur and How to Handle Them

A Surprise About Eyes

5. Energy Body--Invisible/Subtle

Connect with Your Energy Field

Seeing Auric Fields--Hearing Sounds

Secrets about Sound

More on Faculty Extensions

Basic Locations of Chakra/Gland Centers

Emotions Determine Results

Natural Anger

Natural Fear

A Litany of Fear

Flip the Switch

6. Spirit Body--In-Between/Soul

Tricks of Perception

The Soul Has Its Own Will

Holy Spirit


Night Symbols

Day Symbols

Day Symbol Exercises

Create a "Stage" for Day Symbols

Forget Going to a Psychic

The Mirroring Process


7. Physical World--Animate

The Environment We Create Recreates Us

Deeper Mirrors

The "YOU" You Symbolize

Physical First Aid

8. Energy World--Hyper-Animate

Plant Rumbles

More Surprises About Plants

Interspecies Communication

Climate's Tricks

Psychic First Aid

Handy Tips

Communicating with Nature

Living Water

9. Spirit World--Super Animate

The Pickle Syrup Story

A Hidden Order

Imagination Versus Imaginal

Those Worlds Within Worlds

Spirit First Aid

The Time Fan


10. Self--Initial Focus


Some Basic Basics

Finding/Entering Your Center

Inner Dialogue

Turning Your Dialogue Around

Changing a Habit

Who Are You?

Sex and Sex and More Sex

Who Are You, Really?

11. Others--Broader Focus

Dating and Marriage

Soul Mates, Companion Souls, and Twin Souls

Abortions and Births

Children and Parenting

What Makes Parenting So Tough

The Quicksand of Technology

12. Groups--Multiple Focus

Our Shadow Side

Our Precious Thorn--Pain


Racism and Planting Justice


The Magic of Community

The Third Way





13. Education--Invention/Science

First Steps



Abstractions/Valid Science

The Miracle of Lithium

True Science

14. Economics--Investment/Service

Third/Fourth Industrial Revolutions

What's Getting in the Way

Rethinking Money

A Values-Driven Economy

The New Kid's Business Model

New Leaders

New Anger

New Traps

New Truths

A Few Hints

15. Government--Law/Justice

Our Country

Other Countries


Rhythms of Politics and War Events

Law and Justice

It's Time for Women

What No One is Acknowledging


Immigrants from Other Worlds

Plasma Tricks

What Children Tell Us

The Cyngus Mystery

16. History--Religion/Interpretive

Religious Movements Over Time

More Amazing Religious Histories

The Prophecies of St. Malachy

The Issue of Messiahs

Reclaiming the Subversie Way of Jesus

17. Vision--Spiritual/Experiential

The 12 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

Realities of Breakthrough

That Crazy Left Hand of God

Chaos and Discipleship

Rules of Discipleship

Living Resurrection

We Need a New Story

18. Universal Law--Mysticism/Collective Whole

Fate and Free Will

Good and Evil

Heaven and Hell

Death Flash/Light Flash



Folds and Spirals

Universal Laws

The One Great Paradox


A New Christos

The Template

Template Results



Review Quote - Anna Jedrziewski, RETAILING INSIGHT Magazine

"[T]his is an in-depth, yet highly readable, discussion of the universal connectedness of every living being to every other living being. Co-authored with Laurie Lankins Farley and Emily A. Filmore, directors of the School of New Spirituality, [Conversations with God for Parents] is a major step into the future of human spirituality and a sense of co-existing with a power higher than ourselves." 

Review Quote - Ilene Cooper, BOOKLIST

“[Walsch] has an international audience attuned to the message of a nonjudgmental God . . . [in this book], each chapter is divided into two parts, the first explaining the spiritual principle being considered in a way adults can grasp, followed by lists of ways adults can share and discuss the principle with children . . . there's so much that is useful [that] parents can easily pick and choose.” 

Excerpt from book


We have things backward.

We think being a human is having a body with a name and the potential to grow up in a world filled with lots of people, who compete or cooperate to ensure continuing opportunity for health, advancement, relationships, and the fulfillment of our desires.


We wear these physical bodies and lead animated lives thanks to them because we are here to either test ourselves or be tested. This happens the way it does so we can integrate throughout every level of our being what was already known "at the beginning." Thanks to this process, the little self (our personality) has a way to unify with the greater self (our soul). What results can make us stronger, more confident and intelligent, more compassionate ... whole.

We are not here to be spiritual. Does that surprise you? Nor are we here to be bully prophets or wealthy tyrants, or, to save the world. Such are examples of backward thinking that gets us nowhere.

As humans, we exist in partnership between the seen and the unseen. Our breath is the potential we volley between the Great Breath and the Great Breathing, connecting life with Life. We entrer this world on an in-breath, we leave on an out-breath. Back and forth, motion and rest. Our job during our many journeys: remember who we are and act accordingly. Making the world a better place depends on this.

Excerpt from book


Consider this manual an invitation for you ... to think for yourself ... take control of your life, both its unfoldment and the responsibility that comes with that unfoldment ... and align yourself with the directive of your soul.

The underlying premise throughout is simple: If you can't use what you know to be true, it isn't worth knowing.

Each section is crammed with as many "how-tos," suggestions, and ideas as possible covering the six major areas of anyone's life: brain/mind, bodies, environments, relationships, life exercises, and guidance. And, each section is viewed three ways--initial (conscious), intimate (subconscious), and multiple (subconscious), and multiple (superconscious).

All material is an amalgam from what I've learned in the 80 years I have spent tearing up my enviroment, challenging then pushing every limit that stood in my way--exploring the corners of business, community service, relationships, mystical and alternate realities--then creating Inner Forum, Idaho's first non-profit metaphysical corporation devoted to separating truth from fiction. Well over 3,000 people took part in its programs. When I died, three times in three months in 1977, and each time had a near-death experience, the world I thought I knew ended. Another began when I was faced with relearning the basics from the bottom up: everything from crawling to walking, recognizing the difference between left and right, seeing and hearing properly, and rebuilding all my belief systems. The following year I initiated research on near-death states because I was told to during my third near-death experience. This investigation encompassed four decades, involved nearly 4,000 adult and child experiencers, and filled fifteen books--at least this writing (not to mention blogs, articles, and papers).

No explanation exists for the incessant drive I have always and still have, or my need to test everything. Yes, I was born with dyslexia and synesthesia, but even that does not explain the levels I have taken since childhood to refuse limitation. Early-on I discovered that no one is interested in your questions--they just want your answers. So, this time, with this manual, you will not find the usual footnotes, referrals, or appendices. I'm giving you what you said you wanted ... a manual that works.

A Manual for Developing Humans is the "missing book," that third of the trilogy I was told to write when I died the third time. Actually, it was written first. Peer review at the time advised that I put the manuscript in a box and forget it. I did. In a very big box. That was the early eighties--never to be touched again until Robert Van de Castle died in 2014. Bob was a world authority on dreams and a dear friend. At his memorial, he manifested first in my car saying he knew I would come, and then again during the eulogy when he winked at me and said, "It is time." I knew what he meant. I drove straight home afterward and opened the box. You are reading the result.

You know, all of us are subjected to "tests" before we realize there's a "curriculum." That's why life is so puzzling. What seems beyond our control often shifts once we change our attitude and responses--and many times for the better. We make a difference, you and I. To prove it, use this manual ... Don't just read words and glance at the pictures.

Achieving success, status, and wealth is not a measure of life. Nor is becoming a religious or spiritual paragon of things holy. Undergoing an intense transformation of consciousness--through something akin to a near-death experience, baptism of the Holy Spirit, kundalini breakthrough, shamanic vision quest, numinous episode, being bathed in "light," deathbed visions, any of these--constitutes a single step ... an awakening. However, we can accomplish the same thing, reach that step, without all the drama such intene transformational events cause. Move past name and number, race and roots, and you automatically begin to enter realms of mind and memory that reveal a larger consciousness of truth. We recognize ourselves as co-creators with the Creator once that occurs. Years ago, people used to chant "hu" as a way to invoke this revelation, our identity as hu-mans ... gods in the making.

A feature in awakening to who we really are is the enchantment and alteration of faculties normal to us, plus, the very real possibility that thought-forms can become visible. Thought-forms are simply an issuance of energy that "out-pictures" an idea stream from a person's brain. To say it another way, when one thinks a thought, energy is released ... and that energy can be seen.

Twenty-eight thought-form drawings "popped" in for inclusion in the original version of this manual. I kept them intact to use as breaks between the various parts and sections. Each was an attempt at that time for me to depict a particular stage in the life of a thought when it moved from the energy that initiated it to form the shape words would eventually take. The phrasing on each drawing identifies the energy of the idea stream that produced it.

Introduction or preface


From the very first months after the first Conversations with God book was published in May 1995, the demand began to appear for tools that would assist parents in teaching the marvelous concepts of this extraordinary dialogue to children.

Readers wanted a way that they could share with their offspring what CwG had shared with them.

"If only I had been introduced to these ways of seeing God and myself when I was eight or nine, my whole life would have been different," were the words I heard in letter after letter, email after email, conversation after conversation.

My response to this so-often stated desire was the creation of the School of the New Spirituality, and the subsequent design of its CwG for Parents program. You may learn more about that wonderful resource by simply going to this address on the internet:

The book you are holding in your hands is an outgrowth of that program. In it, I have joined with Laurie Farley and Emily Filmore, the directors of the school, to put into one place all of the spiritual concepts of a home schooling curriculum.

We wanted to make available for parents not only the tools for teaching CwG's concepts, but also a narrative summary of the concepts themselves, because we knew this special articulation for parents would form the backbone of their home schooling efforts and help them to use the other tools created by our school with maximum effectivenes.

It was widely known that even though teachers in regular schools know their overall subject matter very well, they will very often (in fact, almost always) "read up" on the lesson they are about to teach their students, so that they are refreshed in each particular area of exploration and feel fully ready to answer the most case-specific or detailed questions.

Before parents can even begin to think of reducing highly nuanced, extremely sophisticated spiritual concepts for children in age-appropriate aways with age-understandable language, parents must feel confident that they, themselves, both comprehend the deeper meaning and grasp the day-to-day functional implications of those concepts.

Each chapter in this book is thus presented in two parts: (1) A narrative for parents that includes background information and interpretative commentary on the spiritual concept being explored; (2) Tools with which parents may effectively share these concepts with their children.

The text is intended to be a teacher's manual. The Preface, which follows, offers a complete list of the topics to be covered here, as well as an opening guide to how you might introduce the whole idea of "God" to your children to begin with.
