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Howard Peiper (Author) See More (4)
Rachel Bell (Author) See More

$10.95 USD
Square One Publishers
6 X 9 in
112 pg

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Every day, children are diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). They are given powerful drugs like Ritalin in order to cope with their ADD, but many parents don’t realize the dangerous side effects associated with these drugs, particularly the possibility of dependency. Addressing the causes of ADD and ADHD should be the first step in any treatment, but unfortunately, conventional drug therapies treat only the symptoms, not the causes.

In their new book, The A.D.D. & A.D.H.D. Diet!, authors Rachel Bell and Dr. Howard Peiper take a uniquely nutritional approach to treating ADD and ADHD. The authors first address the root causes of the disorders, from poor nutrition and food allergies to environmental contaminants. They discuss which foods your child can eat and which foods he should avoid. To make changing your child’s diet easier, the authors also offer you their very own healthy and delicious recipes. Final chapters examine the importance of detoxifying the body, supplementing diet with vitamins and nutrients, and exercising regularly in order to achieve good health.

Managing your child’s ADD doesn’t have to be a chore. With The A.D.D. & A.D.H.D. Diet!, you can learn how a simple change in diet may be the most effective treatment for your child.

Howard Peiper Rachel Bell
Author Bio

Howard Peiper, ND, is a doctor of naturopathic medicine. While beginning his career in optometry, he was immediately drawn to the field of alternative health. In 1972, he received his degree in Naturopathy. After a decade in private practice, Dr. Peiper moved on to become a successful consultant, speaker, and writer. Over the years, his cutting-edge articles have appeared in numerous medical journals and magazines. He also serves on the medical advisory board for several nutritional companies. Dr. Peiper has written several bestselling titles including The ADD & ADHD Diet! and New Hope for Serious Diseases. He is a frequent guest speaker on radio and television and has hosted his own shows including the award-winning TV show, Partners in Healing. Currently, Dr. Peiper lives in Southern California and continues to travel and lecture throughout the world.

Rachel Bell has worked with children and adolescents in varying capacities for twenty years. She has collaborated with Dr. Howard Peiper and Nina Anderson on the well-known booklet, ADD: The Natural Approach. Rachel is currently a teacher in California, and has been schooled in macrobiotic cooking at the Kushi Institute.


Table of contents




1. If You Want Something Different,

You’ve Got to Do Something Different,

2. Going Through the Open Door,

3. “But Why Do I Have ADD?”

4. The First Step Toward Changing Your Diet,

5. What Should You Eat?

6. Tasty Recipes,

7. The Importance of Detoxifying,

8. Supplements That We Need,

9. Nutrients That Help ADD & ADHD,

10. Non-Dietary Approaches to ADD & ADHD,

Resource Directory,

About the Author,



Review Quote - Doris J. Rapp, MD

The A.D. D. & A.D.H.D. Diet!--"Will provide the type of answers that are needed to make an informed choice for safer, better, easier and less expensive treatments for ADD and ADHD." 

Introduction or preface


Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are diagnosed more often now than ever before. Increased awareness about these conditions may contribute, in part, to the rise in documented cases. Other reasons may include changes in our diets, lack of essential nutrients, greater exposure to biologically active agents in our food, and water supplies. Unfortunately, solutions aren’t happening fast enough, as witnessed by the gross numbers of people still suffering, of which several million of these are children.

            The symptoms of ADD/ADHD are manifestations of a dysfunction of the central nervous system. The patterns of imbalance observed in these disorders vary from person to person in an individualized, person-specific, constellation of symptoms, as follows.

Behavioral short attention span

inability to focus or concentrate

inability to sit still

uncontrollable limbs

shifting from one uncompleted activity to another

tendency to be easily distracted

difficulty following instructions

difficulty sustaining attention to tasks

difficulty playing quietly

appearing not to listen


irritability and anxiousness

compulsive, aggressive, destructive behavior

head knocking

temper tantrums


withdrawn demeanor

difficulty communicating feelings



slow learning and reasoning ability

lessened perceptual and conceptual ability

impairment of language and memory skills




difficulty getting along with other people

avoided by other people

tendency to interrupt

tendency to talk too much, too loud, too fast

tendency to blurt out whatever comes to mind

difficulty awaiting turn



poor motor control

tendency to be accident prone


            People with ADD/ADHD may be fine one minute and “off the wall” the next. This apparent random type of behavior may not be random at all. It may be caused by food or environmental allergens. It could be due to a blood sugar disturbance, mineral imbalance, or the presence of toxic metals at the cellular level. It could be caused by any number of things. Most certainly it is not coincidence.